Robert F. Miller

On October 12, 1987, Officer Robert F. Miller was one of four staff (including one Lieutenant and two other officers) escorting an inmate to the Geisinger Medical Center for treatment of what was later determined to be self-inflicted wounds. As they were leaving the hospital with inmate Iasiello in restraints and in a wheelchair, two associates of the inmate - Harold S. Robbins and Markus Safko - opened fire on the officers in an attempt to free inmate Iasiello.
Armed with a .44 caliber pistol, Harold Robbins fired and struck Officer Miller in the pulmonary artery. In all, Robbins and Safko fired nine shots. Officer Miller was hit five times by the gunfire, which resulted in his death. A second officer and inmate Iasiello were also shot, suffering less serious wounds.
One officer gave chase on foot at the hospital as Iasiello and his accomplices fled in a stolen car. The Lieutenant and officer then chased them for 11 miles until the escapee and his accomplices were captured.
Along with his two accomplices (both of whom had criminal records), inmate Iasiello and his wife, Nancy, were tried and convicted for their involvement in the death of Officer Miller. On April 21, 1989, inmate Iasiello was convicted on 8 counts involving Conspiracy, Escape, Assault, and Murder. Inmate Iasiello was sentenced to Life in prison plus 45 years and died while in custody in 2012. Nancy Iasiello and Markus Safko both pleaded guilty, receiving 12 years and Life, respectively. Harold Robbins was found guilty of First Degree Murder and sentenced to Life imprisonment.
Robert F. Miller is listed in the National Law Enforcement Memorial on Panel 34, W-17. Robert, you will never be forgotten.