Edgar A. Barr

Inmate Ono Manuel was employed as a clerk in the clothing supply department. It was his duty to issue clothing to other prisoners. Each article had to be numbered and recorded in the office before being distributed. Officer Edgar A. Barr's suspicion was aroused when he saw inmate Manuel carrying a pair of shoes from the storehouse. He followed inmate Manuel and found him in the cell house with another prisoner. Apparently, inmate Manuel was trading the shoes for tobacco. Officer Barr took inmate Manuel to the Deputy Warden and reported the inmate.s misconduct. As discipline, the inmate was removed from his job and ordered to join a general work gang.
Inmate Manuel did not report immediately to the work crew, but instead saw Officer Barr as he walked in the yard. Inmate Manuel stepped into the carpenter shop and grabbed a long wooden chisel, which he hid under his coat. He walked up to Officer Barr, got into his face, and told the officer he had no business in the yard, at which point inmate Manuel started hitting him. Manuel drove the chisel into Officer Barr's chest. Officer Barr died instantly.
Afterwards, inmate Manuel located an officer and stated, "I have just killed Mr. Barr." Later, he made a full confession in a signed statement.
Edgar A. Barr is listed in the National Law Enforcement Memorial on Panel 58, W-13. He is buried at Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery Section H/O, Grave 3292-F. Edgar, you will never be forgotten.