Federal Bureau of Prisons
Central Office
The Central Office serves as the headquarters for the Bureau of Prisons, which is overseen and managed by loading... Here, national programs are developed and functional support is provided by the following:
- Administration Division
- Correctional Programs Division
- Health Services Division
- Human Resource Management Division
- Federal Prison Industries
- Information, Policy, & Public Affairs Division
- National Institute of Corrections
- Office of General Counsel
- Program Review Division
- Reentry Services Division
The Central Office campus is located in Washington, DC near the U.S. Capitol, federal courts, and the Department of Justice headquarters.
Grand Prairie Office Complex
The Grand Prairie Office Complex, located in Grand Prairie, Texas, was created to better serve employees and consolidate various processes to achieve more streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective Bureau-wide operations. It contains three components, each specializing in a unique subject:
- the Human Resource Services Center
- the Designations and Sentence Computation Center,
- the Field Acquisition Office.
This Office Complex includes more than 500 employees with expertise in human resources; inmate classification, designations, and sentence calculation; and financial management.
Regional Offices
Six regional offices provide oversight and technical assistance to the facilities located in their respective region of the country. In addition to providing operational oversight, regional office staff conduct workshops, conferences, and specialized training programs for their region; assist state and local criminal justice agencies; and contract to provide offender placement in residential reentry centers.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Office

North Central Regional Office

Northeast Regional Office

Residential Reentry Management Field Offices
The BOP has Residential Reentry Management (RRM) field offices:
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RRMs administer contracts for community-based programs and serve as the Federal Bureau of Prisons local liaison with the federal courts, the U.S. Marshals Service, state and local corrections, and a variety of community groups within their specific judicial districts. RRM Staff also monitor local Residential Reentry Centers which are responsible for providing federal offenders with community-based services that will assist with their reentry needs.