(BOP) - During the last nine months, Director Peters and her executive team have spent countless hours together team building and engaging in strategic planning for the Bureau of Prisons.
Capitalizing on a great opportunity to pivot out of the pandemic, the executive team began examining the Bureau's strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Rising up to the 40,000 foot level and beginning to discuss, "Where do we want to go?" and "What could the future look like?" allowed those conversations to be leveraged as the executive team reviewed the Bureau's existing mission, vision and core values. New thoughts began to unfold and take shape.
The above video, filmed on April 25, at the first in-person national warden's training since before the pandemic, Director Peters unveiled new mission and vision statements and core values to guide the agency into the future. The direction the executive team is taking is focused on change and reinvigorating the Bureau's mission and values. Deputy Attorney General Monaco also addressed the wardens and echoed the importance of the new mission statement emphasizing safety, security, normalcy and reentry.
New Mission: Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities.
New Vision Statement: Our highly-skilled, diverse, and innovative workforce creates a strong foundation of safety and security. Through the principles of humanity and normalcy, we develop good neighbors.
Revised Core Values:
Accountability: We are responsible and transparent to the public, ourselves, and to those in our care and custody by the standards we establish, the actions we take, and the duties we perform
Integrity: We are true to our ethical standards in all circumstances
Respect: We foster an inclusive environment where the viewpoints of employees, the public, and those in our care and custody are considered and valued
Compassion: We will strive to understand one another's circumstances and act with empathy and by we, we mean each other as colleagues and corrections professionals and also compassion for those in our care and custody
Correctional Excellence: We demonstrate leadership in our corrections field through our practices and values
Additional information can be found in the Mission, Vision and Core Values infographic.